Mission Statement

As a Witch, I have struggled to figure out my interpretation of magick, the Divine, and my spirituality fit into my life. As I have grown in years and wisdom, I have realized that I don’t have to fit them in as if they were a square that needed to be placed in a circle. What I needed was to recognize my world view and perspective, along with my main ethics. Then, I could throw the square and circle into a fire pit so that it could be changed into light and warmth.

Mission Statement:

  1. I recognize that I am a human being that is filled with messy parts, kindness, jealousy, pride, generosity, and good humor. I am a temporarily in a body and mind with grievances, hopes and dreams, and intentions. With this said, I am committed in recognizing in myself when I have overstepped or need to maintain boundaries, in recognizing my flaws and weaknesses, in recognizing my strengths, and in seeing the Divine in every person I lay eyes on. Sometimes, I will be great at this, but on the days I truly suck at it I will do my best to avoid flagellating myself.
  2. I would like to say I value honesty, generosity, and critical thinking. These three values are essential, but I will do my best not to use them poorly. However, I feel that it is important to speak up when others use their privileges, morals, and beliefs to harm others.
  3. It is my intention to explore, discover, and learn new things. As I grow in understanding, I will share what I feel is appropriate for my blog posts. Anything that I keep to myself, I do out of respect to the Divine and to myself.